Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An update on the first half of the night from the Energy & Environment Track

So far we have heard from some very promising teams who have all received insightful questions from the judges.

Up first, Gurpreet Singh Neeraj pitched Urja Rural Energy Solutions - We propose solutions to energy needs of rural India by identifying alternative energy generation methods and promoting them among investors.

Mike Stanton pitched PowerDown - We merge social networking and behavioral economics to create green communities that compete to conserve energy and donate to social causes.

Andrew LeBlanc pitched Token Energy - We are developing real time building energy use displays, which allow residents of dorms to see exactly how much energy the dorm is using.

Shawn George pitched Green Energy Team - Our technology utilizes solar energy to its fullest by providing point-of-use solar thermal energy for home heating and electricity.

Kapil Ramachandran pitched SwitchEnergy - Building commercial refineries that will convert switchgrass, a carbon-sequestration energy crop, to ethanol, to provide clean power to cars and home generators.

And finally, Hudson Levy pitched MethaneCap - Environmental degradation from hog waste is a major issue. We've developed a technology to capture methane gas generated from hog farms.

Time for a short 1 min break before the second half of the pitches.

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