Thursday, November 19, 2009

Entrepreneurship Week – Day 4 Wrap-up: Products & Services Track

A full evening of start-up pitches concluded with a round of affirmation from the judges to all pitches in the Products & Services Track. Directly after the final pitch by eFit Health Solutions, the judges retreated to an undisclosed location to privately decide the recipient of the Judges Choice Award. Simultaneously, the audience was invited to participate in the Duke Start-up Challenge’s live text-message voting system.

Within minutes, votes were tabulated electronically to decide on the People’s Choice Award. Finally, after the judges returned, the winners of both categories were announced:

For participants in the Products & Services Track
People’s Choice Award: 25th Hour Media
Judges Choice Award: General Nano

Congratulations to the winners of tonight’s Products & Services Track!!! The winners of the People’s Choice Award and the Judges Choice Award will be eligible to compete tomorrow night at the Fuqua School of Business for the Duke Start-up Challenge Elevator Pitch Finals Competition. The competition will feature Bill Maris as a guest judge and keynote speaker from Google Ventures. This will be the capstone event for the week and is sure to be a memorable time for everyone.

Less than 24 hours left until the Finals competition at the Geneen Auditorium at Duke University! See you there!


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