It's been a great (and rather busy) Fall 2008 here at Duke University.
Some highlights:
1) Over 60 competitors at our Elevator Pitch Competiton (part of the Duke Start-Up Challenge) up from around 25 last year.
2) Entrepreneurship Week at Duke University 2008 was a great success. Pictures can be seen at www.flickr.com/photos/eshipatduke, and the website for the event is at www.eweekatduke.com. We had between 11 great events that engaged undergraduated, the School of Medicine, Fuqua, Law, etc...
3) Launched the Program for Entrepreneurs, a pilot program that lets eight students receive an MBA while starting a company (with course credit). We have eight great and motivated students going through this program.
4) Had our first official Duke Entrepreneurship Education Series, a weekly series where we brought speakers in, and walked students through the process of starting a company. www.dukedees.com
5) Held our first "One Day Startup", a set of workshops where students work to start a company in one day. We had 70 students spend their Saturday with us, and had great feedback on the event.